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Survey Results: Tourism

Survey Info - This survey was sent on behalf of the Town of Oro Valley to the FlashVote community for Oro Valley, AZ.

These FlashVote results are shared with local officials

Total Participants
616 of 884 initially invited (70%)
6 others
Margin of error: ± 4%
Applied Filter:
Locals only
Sep 11, 2019 11:08am MST
Sep 13, 2019 11:06am MST
Target Participants:
All Oro Valley

Earlier this year, the Town Council adopted its two-year Strategic Leadership Plan. One of their goals is to increase tourism investment in the community. The results of this survey will help the Town develop and then implement a more robust visitor attraction strategy for Oro Valley.

If you needed to create an itinerary for guests who were visiting you in Oro Valley, where would you go for ideas and information? (Choose all that apply)

If a visiting friend asked you for ONE THING to do in Oro Valley, what would you recommend?

Which of the following, if any, do you think are a STRENGTH of Oro Valley to visitors and tourists? (Choose all that apply.)

Which of the following places have you personally recommended to visitors or taken them to visit? (Check all that apply, if any)

Any other comments or suggestions about what would help Oro Valley attract more visitors and tourists to the community?

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