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Survey Results: Community Needs

Survey Info - This survey was sent on behalf of the City of Citrus Heights to the FlashVote community for Citrus Heights, CA.

These FlashVote results are shared with local officials

Total Participants
449 of 717 initially invited (63%)
7 others
Margin of error: ± 5%
Applied Filter:
Locals only
Aug 16, 2021 11:10am PDT
Aug 18, 2021 11:11am PDT
Target Participants:
All Citrus Heights

Which of the following aspects of Citrus Heights are most IMPORTANT to you, if any? (You can choose up to FOUR)

The City of Citrus Heights will receive about $15.6 million over two years for “COVID-19 economic relief” from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). ARPA money can only be spent to: (1) Support public health, (2) Address COVID-19 economic impacts, (3) Replace lost public sector revenue, (4) Provide premium pay for essential workers, or (5) Invest in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure for underserved communities.

Prior to reading this, which best describes what you know about the ARPA funds going to Citrus Heights?

Below is a sample list of projects that fit into one of the ARPA guidelines mentioned above.

How would you allocate 100 dollars across this sample list of projects?

Any other comments or suggestions about how the City of Citrus Heights can use ARPA funding to best serve the whole community?

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