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Survey Results: Proposed Annexation and Open Space

Survey Info - This survey was sent on behalf of City of Rancho Cucamonga to the FlashVote community for Rancho Cucamonga, CA.

These FlashVote results are shared with local officials

Total Participants
559 of 1258 initially invited (44%)
45 others
Margin of error: ± 4%
Applied Filter:
All Responses
Oct 12, 2017 12:08pm PDT
Oct 14, 2017 12:00pm PDT
Target Participants:
All Rancho Cucamonga

The City of Rancho Cucamonga is working on a possible “North Eastern Sphere Annexation” of 4,115 acres (6.4 square miles) of land that is along the foothills north of Rancho Cucamonga city limits. This land is currently not within city limits/boundaries and is subject to development under San Bernardino County standards.

Prior to reading this question which best describes your knowledge of this topic?

This annexation plan (see map link below) would allow for preservation of 2,916 acres for wildlife and habitat (conservation priority area in orange) and in return, the development of approximately 1,200 acres of this land (development priority area in green), in proximity to existing development.

Which best describes your reaction to a possible designation of 2,916 acres of this land as a “conservation priority area”, which means an emphasis on habitat conservation instead of development?

Which of these annexation features is most important to you?

How important is it to you that the City of Rancho Cucamonga have local control (zoning, City Development processes and approvals, tax contributions, etc.) over this currently unincorporated land?

Any other comments or suggestions about possible annexation or development of nearby land?

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