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Survey Results: Accessory Dwelling Units

Survey Info - This survey was sent on behalf of the County of Placer to the FlashVote community for Placer County, CA.

These FlashVote results are shared with local officials

Total Participants
1965 of 4341 initially invited (45%)
23 others
Margin of error: ± 2%
Applied Filter:
Locals only
Aug 21, 2019 1:17pm PDT
Aug 23, 2019 1:15pm PDT
Target Participants:
All Placer County

In previous surveys on housing costs and options, we learned that improving the range of housing options is important.

Which one of the following best describes your current housing situation in Placer County?

Like many communities in California, Placer County is struggling with a shortage of lower-cost housing. One option is to build new smaller and naturally-affordable units. One type is called an "accessory dwelling unit" - usually an apartment above or below a garage, or a small cottage separate from a main house.

What, if anything, is preventing you from having an accessory dwelling unit and renting it out? (Choose all that apply)

Which of the following hypothetical incentives, if any, might motivate you to build and rent an accessory dwelling unit? (You can choose up to THREE)

What is the longest period of time you would consider deed restricting your property to rent at below-market rates in exchange for cash compensation?

Would you like to live in Placer County?

Which of the following best describes what you rent now in Placer County?

An "accessory dwelling unit" is usually an apartment above or below a garage, or a small cottage separate from a main house.

How interested would you be in renting an accessory dwelling unit to live in?

Any other comments or suggestions about accessory dwelling units, deed restrictions or lower cost rental ideas?

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