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Survey Results: Bicycle Park Input

Survey Info - This was an open engagement survey (not a scientific sample) for the City of Pacifica.

These FlashVote results are shared with local officials

Total Participants
Applied Filter:
All Responses
Dec 1, 2021 1:33pm PST
Jan 1, 2022 12:07am PST
Target Participants:
All Pacifica

The City of Pacifica is looking at the possibility of allowing a bicycle park to be built at lower Frontierland Park (link to aerial map photo below).

In the last 12 months, which of the following best describes how often have you or a member of your family used a bicycle?

The bicycle park is expected to be about half dirt features and half paved, with features for riders of all ages and abilities. It would open in the morning and be closed at sundown (link to sample park images below).

If there was a bicycle park at Frontierland Park, do you think you or your family would use it?

Which would be your main concerns about a bicycle park at lower Frontierland Park, if any? (You can choose up to FOUR)

Which of the following are TRUE for you or your family, if any? (Choose all that apply)

Any other comments or suggestions about a bicycle park in Pacifica?

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