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Survey Results: Water Tower

Survey Info - This survey was sent on behalf of the City of Bedford to the FlashVote community for Bedford, TX.

These FlashVote results are shared with local officials

Total Participants
449 of 805 initially invited (56%)
2431 others
Margin of error: ± 5%
Applied Filter:
Locals only
Nov 1, 2022 11:17am CDT
Nov 3, 2022 11:16am CDT
Target Participants:
All Bedford

The City of Bedford will soon hire a contractor to rehab and repaint the water tower on Cummings Road, just west of Highway 121. Below are six sample designs showing the water tower from both sides.

Which of these sample designs do you like most, if any? (You can choose up to TWO, if any)

Any other comments or suggestions about repainting the water tower?

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