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Survey Results: Regional Planning Vision

Survey Info - This survey was sent on behalf of Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Agency to the FlashVote community for Truckee Meadows, NV.

These FlashVote results are shared with local officials

Total Participants
277 of 734 initially invited (38%)
15 others
Margin of error: ± 6%
Applied Filter:
Locals only
Jun 6, 2017 3:20pm PDT
Jun 8, 2017 3:18pm PDT
Target Participants:

Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Agency is doing a 2017 Regional Plan Update that will guide development for the next 20 years. You can help define the vision and direction for the new plan by giving some feedback on the following vision and goal statements.

Which best describes what you think of the following statement, as an overall vision for the 2017 Regional Plan?

“The Truckee Meadows Regional Plan is the foundation for a well-planned and resilient community which supports our unique quality of life and promotes the distinct characteristics of our region”. 

Think of your own vision for the future of our community and please check the statements, if any, that you AGREE with. (Select all that apply).

Any other comments or suggestions about a vision for the Truckee Meadows?

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